Saturday, September 25, 2010

Kid's Quotes!

We have started school and I have slacked on blogging! We have done so much in our class, more to come later! I love my class, they are so cute and fun, and say the funniest things! I could just listen to them talk all day. Here are a few of my favorites!
Me: "Rachel did you catch our frog?" (as she is walking up the play structure carefully cupping her hands after we let it go)
Her: "No, my prince turned into a frog so I'm just taking him up here."
Ryan to Miss Heidi: "Where's your baby?"
Then she carefully explained it's actually Miss Kelci's baby that is sleeping, and she is Jenson's grandma.
Later, Ryan to me: "Hey, where is your grandma?" :) so confusing!
Presley: "Miss Kelci, I love my school." (I was SO glad!)
Carson B. walks out of the bathroom.
Miss Heidi: "Oh did you remember to wash your hands?"
Carson: "No. There's not any dirtys on them."

A few of the fun things we've been doing in class: 
 We made pictures of each other and talked about how are we the same and how we are different
 Ten apples up on top! We counted, practiced balancing an apple on our head, and did apple taste-testing and made a graph
 More fun with apples and painting!
 Spray painting with liquid water color! A fun, but messy art center
Exploring the changing leaves in our science center

We have been having so much fun learning! 
{More pics to come of my cute kids, after I get parent permission of course!}